This site is dedicated to the use of data, statistics and information on Jamaica’s development situation in national development policy, planning, and research and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). The platform provides access to a Local Development Dashboard and Statistical Dashboards, a Metadata Hub, an Online Resource Library, a Jamaica Data Visualizer and a Vision 2030 Jamaica Monitoring Dashboard. It also provides the public with open access to a wide range of documents and information used to inform policy and planning as well as reports on development performance.

This platform was developed by the Government of Jamaica (GOJ) with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).


NATIONAL GOALS national goals

  1. Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential
  2. The Jamaican society is secure, cohesive and just
  3. Jamaica’s economy is prosperous
  4. Jamaica has a healthy natural environment


The Data 4 Development Site Navigation video demonstrates the functions and features of the Platform and how it may be utilized to support evidence- and results- based decision-making to advance national development as well as corporate, civic, and individual goals, which form part of the national development nexus. This video takes users through all the major elements of the platform:

  • An integrated “JamData” database, including data and statistics on social, economic, governance, and environmental indicators.
  • Several electronic dashboards for results-based performance monitoring and evaluation (M&E) such as The Vision 2030 Jamaica Monitoring Dashboard, and several statistical dashboards, including:
    • Local Development Dashboard
    • Education Dashboard
    • Road Safety Dashboard
    • Child Protection Dashboard
    • An integrated cross-sectoral “JamData” Dashboard
  • A Data Visualizer
  • A Metadata Hub
  • An Online Resource Library
  • And finally, a JAMDATA Mobile App


Providing a glimpse into the current progress of the Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan, the monitoring dashboards uncovers how far the country has come since the establishment of the plan in 2009. The Vision2030 Jamaica Monitoring Dashboard allows users to track and understand the progress made across all national outcome indicators. Additionally, platform users are able to view data, by way of other dashboards, based on single or multiple sectors and themes. Some of the other dashboards include, JamData – a multi sectorial dashboard outlining key indicators about Jamaica’s economy, living standards and human development; child protection dashboard; education dashboard; transportation dashboard and a Local Development which shows data at the parish level, etc. Other dashboards will become available as other areas of interest become evident other dashboards will become available and on-boarded to the platform.

Latest publications

Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan (N…

Jamaica’s Development Progress towards its 2030 Go…

Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework 2012-2…

Medium Term Socio Economic Policy Framework 2021-2…


  • Data4Development Online Monitoring Platform Updates - Stakeholders, please be advised that the data and metadata on the Data4Development Online Monitoring Platform will be updated from November 1, 2024, to May 31, 2025. We apologize for any inconvenience 2 months
  • Vision 2030 Jamaica Dashboard is undergoing updates. 8 months
  • Education Sector indicator data updated 1 year
  • Vision 2030 Dashboard Updated 1 year
  • Population Density Metadata Added 1 year