Status of Indicator Performance (in %) – By Outcomes
Fully achieved or exceeded
Mostly achieved
Somewhat achieved
Little achieved
Same as or worse than baseline
* This visual represents the overall performance of indicators under a specific
in the Vision 2030 JAMAICA framework, for a specific reporting year. Most recent data refers to the data
entered in the system for the latest reporting year.
Status of Indicator Performance (in %) – By SDG
Fully achieved or exceeded
Mostly achieved
Somewhat achieved
Little achieved
Same as or worse than baseline
* This visual represents the overall performance of indicators under a specific SDG
the Vision 2030 JAMAICA framework, for a specific reporting year. Most recent data refers to the data
entered in the system for the latest reporting year.
Leaving no one behind
Fully achieved or exceeded
Mostly achieved
Somewhat achieved
Little achieved
Same as or worse than baseline
* This section focuses on the indicators tagged to the leaving no one behind
The first visualisation showcases the percentage of such indicators, in Vision 2030, by the selected
The second visualisation represents the performance of these same indicators.
Key Performance Indicators - Quick View
* The showcased score is the progress calculated from the actual and planned data
for the
most recent time period of an indicator (for a particular disaggregation). Most recent time period
refers to
the data entered in the system for the latest reporting year.