The Data 4 Development Platform seeks to give all stakeholders in Jamaica’s development access to national and sub-national data across sectors, themes and goals (Visions 2030 Jamaica and SDGs). The sectors covered include demographics, disaster management, education, health, economy, national security, governance, social security, justice and industry. The themes are, Social Protection, Child Protection, Education and Motor vehicle accidents and Fatalities. The goals covered are Vision 2030 Jamaica National Goal 1 “Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential”, National Goal 2 “The Jamaican society is secure, cohesive and just”, National Goal 3 “Jamaica’s economy is prosperous”, and National Goal 4 “Jamaica has a healthy natural environment”.

What is the
Data 4 development
Initiative in Jamaica?

How will the Platform enable data-driven change in jamaica?
This effort aims to mainstream evidence-based decision making and planning by supporting capacity building and putting data on development indicators into the hands of those who will use them. With innovative and data-driven visualizations, the Data 4 Development Platform allows everyone to become more engaged in promoting the use of data, statistics and information in planning, monitoring and reporting for development in Jamaica. It is also intended to foster a culture of Integrated Results-Based Management (IRBM) of national development processes.